Coastal photography - using H&Y's K-Series filter system

As a landscape photographer, using filters is definitely a must. For this test I'm using the H&Y K-Series magnetic filter sytem for Coastal photography. Filters allow you to control the light conditions in your photos. For example, by using grey filters, you can extend the exposure time during the day or during sunset to create a ‘long exposure’ effect.

About Niels Dam

For Niels, photography is not just about taking pictures. It is about travelling to amazing locations and meeting people, while at the same time trying to capture the best a location has to offer.

H&Y's filter system

When I started using filters, the Lee brand was pretty much the only mainstream brand on the market. However, in my view, this system had some major shortcomings in terms of image quality and especially ease of use. The issue I particularly struggled with was using the insert slots for the filters. Particularly during moments when you need to quickly adjust the filter setup (e.g. during changes in light conditions), this system proved quite clumsy and slow to use, something that sometimes resulted in missing that one special moment.

In recent years, a growing number of filter manufacturers have entered the market with new, innovative systems. One of these systems that immediately caught my attention was H&Y's magnetic filter holder. I therefore decided to subject the system to a thorough test of whether these filters are good for coastal photography.

I took these filters with me to the coast:

- H&Y K-Series magnetic filter holder + CPOL MRC drop-in

- H&Y K-Series MRC ND1000 (10-stops) 95 mm drop-in filter

- H&Y M-Series Square ND64 (6-stops) 100 mm magnetic filter

- H&Y Magnetic filter frames 100x100 mm

whats in the box
Dutch coast line

Using the K-Series Magnetic filter holder

The H&Y K-Series filter holder comes complete with a drop-in polarising filter, four adapter rings (67, 72, 77, 82 mm) and a sturdy filter bag. These rings ensure that you can use the filter holder on almost all your lenses. If you do have a different filter size, adapter rings in other sizes are also available.

To try out the H&Y K-Series filter system extensively, I made several trips to the coastal areas of the province of Zeeland in the Netherlands. The first thing you notice while using the H&Y filter system is the quality of the materials used: it is excellent! Both the filter holder and the rings are made of sturdy, lightweight aluminium.

As with most filter systems, the H&Y filter holder comes with a 2-part mounting system. When mounting, an adapter ring is first fitted to the lens, after which the filter holder can be placed on the ring. Next, the filter holder can be fixed by two swivel wheels at the back. This is a different method than most other systems use to attach the holder, though. I must confess that this can be a little tricky at first.

Once you get used to this, you can clearly see the advantage of this new system: this system not only ensures that your filters are firmly attached and that the holder will never fall off in normal use. Even in wind gusts on the beach, they stay firmly in place. Another advantage is that the filter holder stays virtually in place and does not ‘twist’ around the filter ring unnecessarily. Finally, the flat design of the filter holder ensures that everything is ‘as close as possible’ to the front of the lens, virtually eliminating vignetting.

H&Y system
H&Y system drop in filter
H&Y system cpol drop in
ND64 magnetic filter

Two different types of filters

One of the biggest innovations of the H&Y filter system is the way the filters are placed. There are actually two methods of using filters, making it certainly one of the easiest and most practical systems on the market.

- Insert filters

Currently, H&Y offers a wide range of polarisation and ND filters (ND8, 32 and 64 CPLs and ND1000, 4K and 65K). These round filters with a diameter of 95mm can be inserted into the filter holder via the slot accessible at the top. Unlike most systems with round filters, there is no thread involved here and fitting a filter is very easy and quick. The included polarising filter works in the same way and can be adjusted using the dial in the top corner of the filter. This dial is easy to use even with gloves on. If you don't want to use insert filters, a cover lock is also included to prevent any light leakage.

- Magnetic filters

The H&Y K-Series holder also works with 100x100 mm square filters and 100x150 mm rectangular filters. This is where the real magic happens. Unlike competitors' filter systems, this holder does not work by placing filters in slots one by one. Instead, the H&Y filter holder uses magnets to mount the ND and GND filters. When you first use this system, you immediately notice how user-friendly the magnetic filters are, and you also immediately notice how much faster this works than conventional filters. Another advantage of the magnetic system, is the ability to easily stack several filters on top of each other.

"Another advantage of the magnetic system, is the ability to easily stack several filters on top of each other."

coastline - long shutter speed

My experience of using the magnetic filters

At first, I was a bit sceptical and therefore extra cautious while using the magnet system. However, this uncertainty was short-lived and I was soon convinced that the magnets would stick. The system works really well and the magnets are so strong that you don't have to worry about the filters falling off the holder. Moreover, there is an extra screw on the side of the holder that allows you to lock the first filter in place. When mounting a filter, though, you have to make sure this screw is not under the filter, something that happened to me a few times. Also, in my opinion, the screw is a bit on the small side, especially if you have to adjust it with gloves on.

One thing to note is that, like any other magnet, the frames have two sides to match the polarity of the magnets. H&Y has thought of this and has cleverly marked one side of the filter with an asterisk, so that you don't get confused which direction to put the filter in.

filter frame

Use existing filters

ND (grad) filters are not cheap and many photographers may be reluctant to invest in a completely new system for this reason. Fortunately, H&Y offers the option of using your current filters with the magnetic filter holder. This is made possible by the H&Y Magnetic Filter Frames, which are available separately. The frames are suitable for almost all 100x100 mm and 100x150 mm filters with a maximum thickness of 2 mm.

Installing the frames on your filters is quite easy and requires only a few minutes of mounting time. The magnetic filter frames come in four parts, which can be mounted around the filters using pre-installed strips of adhesive tape. The first step is to place the upper part on the top edge of the filter. Once that is done, the two sides can be placed. This step can be a bit fiddly as it takes some force to push the hooks into the end sections. The final step is to install on the bottom section.

It is important to note that the magnetic filter holder itself is already fitted with a foam strip to prevent light leakage. Therefore, you do need to remove the foam strip from the filter itself (if any) first. If you don't, the filters may not fit properly.

tripod on beach
example H&Y photo

Filter construction and materials

The round H&Y filters are made of SCHOTT B270 glass and have a special coating to ensure water/oil/scratch resistance. This coating also makes the filters much easier to clean and this is definitely one of the first things you notice during use. The K-Series rectangular filters are made of Gorilla glass, which is practically unbreakable. Each H&Y filter comes with its own filter pouch and cleaning cloth, which I use to easily clean them after a day at the beach.

The magnetic square filters made of SCHOTT B270 glass are already in their magnetic frame upon delivery. Because you hold the filter by the frame instead of the filter itself, the filters are much easier to handle and you are also less likely to get fingerprints on them. In addition, the frames also offer extra protection at the edges of the filter, meaning your expensive filter is better protected should they unexpectedly fall on the ground. This is because the square filters of the H&Y M-Series, unlike the rectangular filters of the H&Y K-Series, can be damaged.

colour neutral - H&Y
LEE - example

The images above clearly show the difference in colour cast and vignetting between the H&Y and Lee filters.

Optical performance

This is definitely something the H&Y ND filters excel at compared to the filters of several other brands. When comparing the H&Y ND64 and ND1000 filters with my Lee Little and Big Stoppers, I immediately noticed that the H&Y filters have no discernible colour cast, and perhaps more importantly, do not suffer from vignetting either.

While colour cast is something that can be corrected fairly easily these days when shooting in RAW, this can sometimes be a time-consuming process. I therefore much prefer the colours in my photos to match the white balance I set in the camera, something that is certainly the case with the H&Y filters. Moreover, correcting vignetting is certainly not an easy process and it almost always leads to loss of image quality and introduction of noise in your photos. And while a ‘vignette look’ is sometimes nice in coastal photography, I prefer to add it in the edit itself, rather than it being something I can't fully correct.

use the H&Y filter system
ND64 filter
H&Y system and tripod


Testing the innovative H&Y K-series filter system was a real pleasure. The magnetic system is definitely one of the most practical and intuitive systems I have used. Both the plug-in filter slot and the magnetic holder provide a faster and easier way to attach filters. Moreover, the magnetic frames themselves provide better protection for the filters and help prevent damage and fingerprints. The H&Y ND filters offer industry-leading performance in image quality, with the glass almost completely free of colour cast and vignetting.

"Testing the innovative H&Y K-series filter system was a real pleasure."

The H&Y system is not exactly cheap, but let's face it, neither are most other systems currently available on the market. Moreover, thanks to the separately available filter frames, you can still use your current 100mm filters, making the transition from your current system a lesser drain on your wallet. In the end, I am convinced that investing in this high-quality filter system is definitely worthwhile and saves money in the long run as well.

Plus points:

  • The K-series kit comes complete with polarisation filter, adapter ring and pouch
  • Sturdy design and high-quality materials
  • Innovative ‘dual’ system: plug-in and magnetic filters
  • Ease of use: quick filter changes
  • High-quality filters made of Schott B270 and Gorilla glass
  • Compatible with other 100 mm-sized filters thanks to separately available filter frames

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